We are proud to announce Community Alternatives Unlimited (CAU) as our first Recycle for a Reason candidate for 2020, and we’d like to share a little more information on CAU as well as how your office can donate its recycling to make a difference!
About Community Alternatives Unlimited
CAU is a local nonprofit organization in Chicago. It primarily provides services for individuals with short- and long-term disabilities while supporting economically challenged families during pregnancies and births. Located on West Higgins Road, CAU boasts of a wonderfully culturally diverse workforce. The organization has everything from social workers, counselors and psychologists to nurses, interpreters and educators on staff.
How Recycle for a Reason Works
Garvey’s Office Products’ Recycle for a Reason program is simple! We take all the items are donated to us and recycle those items. For each item, we get back a rebate and that cash is then donated to CAU.
When to Donate for CAU
Garvey’s Office products will be accepting donations from January 1 – March 31, 2020. If you are a customer of ours, we will pick up these items FREE OF CHARGE. If you are not a customer, you can drop off these items at our Niles facility M-F, 8 AM- 6PM.
Recycling for Change
We are excited to see how much we can recycle into cash for CAU. Last year, we raised over $22,000 for charities. Now let’s make 2020 the greenest and most charitable year yet!