It’s that time of year. The breakroom is filled with cookies. Every client or vendor seems to want to take you out to show their appreciation, but the only thing you’re noticing is that your work slacks are starting to get a bit too tight. In an effort to start the New Year on the right foot, here are three tips to stop over overindulging in holiday goodies and avoid the dreaded holiday 15 pounds.
Drink Lots of Fluids
Nine times out of ten, if you’re hungry, you’re really not as hungry as you feel. It’s your body’s way of telling you that it’s dehydrated. Not only will drinking lots of water keep you from snacking, but it will also help you from feeling any holiday blues. If you’re craving sugar, opt for a hot chocolate instead grabbing some candy or cookies.
Stock Healthy Snacks
Is the holiday cookie exchange coming up? Create preventative measures. Stock healthy snacks at your desk. These can be snacks such as Pirate’s Booty, Luna Bars and GoGo Squeeze Applesauce Pouches. If you feel tempted to eat and cannot avoid doign so, try yourself to snack on what you have nearby! It’s just as satisfying and much healthier.
Consider Gifting Yourself a Sit-Stand Solution
Another great way to stay healthy during the holiday season is by incorporating movement to your day. Sit-Stand Desk are a great way to keep yourself active! Consider add-ons such wobble boards to further improve your daily exercise.