Back in the office after the holidays and just realizing you need to replace your calendar? What type of calendar you should choose depends entirely on what type of office worker you are! Below we've paired 2021 calendars by three popular personality types. Which are you?
A creator likes to generate ideas, try new things and rearrange items until they fit. For this personality type, we'd recommend a U Brands Dry-Erase Calendar. A dry erase calendar can keep up with your never-ending ideas. So when something changes, you can simply erase and rewrite new objectives.
Decision Maker
A decision maker's time is always sought after. You get called into impromptu meetings and take phone calls all the time. For this personality type, we'd opt for a classic Day-Timer. Day-timers are compact and easily transportable for your on-the-go lifestyle.
A coordinator is constantly updating items from where they are to where they need to be. The best type of calendar we've found for you is a At-A-Glance Calendar. With the ability to look ahead, you can manage your project timelines and deadlines flawlessly.